Thank you for stopping in for a visit! Like most Mothers I love to show off my kids, and what better way than the World
Wide Web! I also hope to provide some information for other families that are either expecting a multiple birth or are parents
of multiples.

I would like to introduce Taylor Jolynn Grino born on July 14, 2004 at 10:16am. She weighed 5 pounds 14
oz and measured 18 1/2" long. She is such a doll and we are all really enjoying having a baby in the house again!
She now has her very own page on the website! Be sure to check it out for more pictures of our beautiful
baby girl!

When my kids were babies I joined a wonderful e-mail support group for mothers of triplets. This is an awesome group of women
and a few men that you can share your joys and concerns with. To join this group, visit http://triplet.tv/signup
Please, you must be a mother/father or expectant mother/father of triplets to join this group.

The Triplet Connection:
is a wonderful place for families expecting multiples to begin their research. They have expectant parent packets and new
parent packets that you can order that are filled with helpful information.
